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Work experience
- London Business School
- 2020-present: Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (with tenure)
- 2013-2020: Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship
- Ph.D in Strategic Management, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, 2013
- Thesis Topic: Interaction between Competition, Collaboration and Innovation in Knowledge Industries
- Committee: Anita McGahan (chair), Ajay Agrawal, Sarah Kaplan, Brian Silverman
- Master of Business Admisnitration, Sharif University of Technology, 2008
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2006
Research Interests
- Knowledge Recombination, Creativity and Innovation, Specilization and Collaboration, Science Policy
Rahmandad, H., Vakili, K. 2019. "Explaining Heterogeneity in the Organization of Scientific Work." Organization Science, 30(6): 1125-1393.
Hannigan, T., Haans, R.F.J., Vakili, K., Tchalian, H., Glaser, V., Wang, M., Kaplan, S., Jennings, P.D. 2019. "Topic Modeling in Management Research: Rendering New Theory from Textual Data.." Academy of Management Annals, 13(2): 586-632.
Bikard, M., Vakili, K., Teodoridis, F., 2019. "When Collaboration Bridges Institutions: The Impact of University-Industry Collaboration on Academic Productivity" Organization Science, 30(2): 235-445.
Teodoridis, F., Bikard, M., Vakili, K. (2019). "Creativity at the Knowledge Frontier: The Impact of Specialization in Fast-and Slow-paced Domains." Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4): 894-927.
Vakili, K., Zhang, L. (2018). "High on Creativity: The Impact of Social Liberalization Policies on Innovation." Strategic Management Journal, 39(7): 1860-1886.
Vakili, K. (2016). "Collaborative Promotion of Technology Standards and the Impact on Innovation, Industry Structure, and Organizational Capabilities: Evidence from Modern Patent Pools." Organization Science. 27(6): 1504-1524.
Vakili, K., McGahan, A. M. (2016). "Health Care’s Grand Challenge: Stimulating Basic Science on Diseases that Primarily Afflict the Poor." Academy of Management Journal. 59(6): 1917-1939.
Kaplan, S., Vakili, K. (2015). "The Double-Edged Sword of Recombination in Breakthrough Innovation." Strategic Management Journal. 36(10): 1435-1457.
Vakili, K., McGahan, A. M., Rezaie, R., Mitchell, W., Daar, A. S. (2015). "Progress in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in the United States between 2001 and 2010." PLoS ONE. 10(3): e0120052.
Other Publications
- Teodoridis, F., Bikard, M., Vakili, K. (2018). “When Generalists Are Better Than Specialists, and Vice Versa.” Harvard Business Review (online), Available at:
- Vakili, K., Zhang, L. (2018). “Research: Legal Marijuana and Gay Marriage Have Been Good for U.S. Innovation.” Harvard Business Review (online), Available at:
Under Review
Under review in Organization Science; (with Florenta Teodoridis (USC), Michael Bikard (LBS))
R&R at Organization Science; (with Michael Blomfield (LBS))
2nd R&R in Strategic Management Journal; (with Sarah Kaplan (UofT))
Work in Progress
with Hazhir Rahmandad (MIT)
with Michael Bikard (LBS), Florenta Teodoridis (USC)
with Michael Blomfield (LBS), Anita McGahan (Rotman)
Cases and Teaching Materials
- Mylonadis Y, Vakili K. 2019. The SVOD challenge to the UK media landscape: Background note. London Business School.
- Mylonadis Y, Vakili K. 2018. Valve enters the game console industry. London Business School.
- Ethiraj S, Vakili K, Zuzul T. 2015. The Petroleum Industry in the UK. London Business School.
- Ethiraj S, Vakili K, Zuzul T. 2015. Tesco and UK Food and Grocery Retail Industry in 2015. London Business School.
- Ethiraj S, Vakili K, Zuzul T. 2015. Transocean and Patterson-UTI. London Business School.
- Ethiraj S, Vakili K, Zuzul T. 2015. Red Bull Enters the United States. London Business School.
MBA Programme, London Business School, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2017-2020
EMBA Programme, London Business School, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2016-2020
MBA Programme, London Business School, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2013-2019
MBA Programme, London Business School, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2015-2017
EMBA Programme, London Business School, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2015-2016
PhD Programme, London Business School, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, 2015-2016
Honors, Awards, and Scholarships
- 2019: Junior Faculty Research Award, London Business School
- 2018: Junior Faculty Research Award, London Business School
- 2017: Listed in The Favorite Professors Of Top MBAs by Poets and Quants
- 2015: AOM TIM Division Best Paper Award Finalist
- 2014: AOM BPS Division Best Dissertation Award Finalist
- 2012: Winner of the Best Paper Award (joint with Sarah Kaplan), DRUID Conference 2012
- 2012: REER Conference Best Student Paper Award Finalist
Professional Activities
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Strategic Management Journal (2015-present), Organization Science (2017-present), and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (2019-present)
- Representative-at-Large at Strategic Management Society, Knowledge & Innovation Interest Group
- Representative-at-Large at Academy of Management, Technology and Innovation Management Division
- Member of the BPS Research Committee (2015-2017), Academy of Management
- Ad hoc reviewer for Organization Science; Management Science; Administrative Science Quarterly; Journal of Management Studies; Strategy Science; Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization; and Research Policy
Recent Non-Academic Experience
- 2014-present: Member of the Advisory Board, Blanclink Inc.
- 2016-present: Member of the Advisory Board, PersiangGig Corp.
- 2007-2008: Founder and CEO, Affiction Games Inc.